Your pregnancy at 26 weeks
At 26 weeks, your baby's eyes will open for the first time, though their permanent eye colour won't be known until weeks after birth. Learn about your baby’s growth and tips for managing the changes in your body as you approach the third trimester.
Around the 26-week mark, your baby’s eyes will open for the first time. However, their permanent eye colour will not be known until several weeks after birth.
Baby's Development
Your baby continues to grow and is now the equivalent height of two Ewan the Sheep from head to heel and weighs approximately 760g, similar to 40 frozen sausage rolls.
- Digestive System: Baby keeps practising their sipping skills, and amazingly, the amniotic fluid they are swimming in has been through their digestive system at least once. This helps them prepare for the outside world in about 14 weeks' time!
Changes in Mum
As you approach your third trimester, you may notice you are starting to get a little more tired as your bump continues to grow, and your coordination may start suffering as your centre of gravity shifts.
Tips for This Week
- Rest: Listen to your body and get plenty of rest as your energy levels may start to dip.
- Safety: Be mindful of your changing centre of gravity and take care to avoid falls.
- Travel System: Start shopping for a travel system and test different models to find the best fit for your family.
Looking Ahead
As you move into the final stretch of your pregnancy, staying prepared and managing your symptoms can help you feel more comfortable and confident. Each week brings you closer to meeting your baby, and every step you take now is a step towards a smoother delivery and postpartum experience.
We’re here to support you every step of the way. Enjoy this special time, and soon you’ll be seeing even more incredible progress as your pregnancy continues.
This article has been written using the latest guidance and information from trusted sources, primarily the NHS. This information should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for advice tailored to your personal health and circumstances.