The final countdown is on! At 39 weeks, your baby is fully developed and could arrive any day now. Stay prepared by keeping your hospital bag ready and noting the signs of labour. Remember, it's normal for baby to arrive anytime between 38 and 42 weeks, so hang in there – your little one is almost here!
Pregnancy at 39 Weeks
Hello, Mum-to-be! You’re in the final stretch now, and it’s perfectly normal to feel a mix of excitement and impatience. While it can be challenging to keep waiting, rest assured that your baby will come when they’re ready. Try to keep your spirits up with plans for some relaxing or fun activities, whether it’s catching up with friends or enjoying some quiet time with family.
What’s Happening with Baby
At 39 weeks, your baby is approximately 50.7 cm long, which is about the size of a newborn sleepsuit. They weigh around 3.3 kg, so you’re likely feeling their presence quite clearly. Baby’s body is still adjusting, and they might be covered with some vernix when they are born. This white, waxy substance protects their skin and helps them move through the birth canal. It’s perfectly fine to let the vernix absorb naturally rather than trying to wipe it off immediately.
What’s Happening with You
As you approach labour, it’s essential to be aware of the signs that labour might be starting. Here’s what to look out for:
Contractions: Unlike Braxton Hicks, these will be regular, more intense, and increasingly painful.
Waters Breaking: This could be a trickle or a more substantial gush of fluid.
Period-Like Pain or Lower Back Pain: These sensations are common as labour approaches.
Increased Urge to Use the Toilet: Baby’s head pressing on your bowels can create this feeling.
The ‘Show’: This is a plug of mucus from your cervix and can indicate that labour is near.
For more details on what to do when you go into labour and when to call your midwife, check out our comprehensive guide.
Final Thoughts
You’re almost there, and soon you’ll be meeting your baby! Keep focused on staying comfortable and prepared, and enjoy these last moments of anticipation. Remember, it’s perfectly normal for babies to arrive anytime between 38 and 42 weeks, so take things one day at a time.
This article has been written using the latest guidance and information from trusted sources, primarily the NHS. This information should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for advice tailored to your personal health and circumstances.