Tips & Advice
Your pregnancy at 29 weeks
As you reach 29 weeks, you might be starting your antenatal classes soon. Learn about your baby’s growth and movements, and get tips on managing breathlessness and emotional ups and downs as you prepare for the final stages of pregnancy.
Your pregnancy at 28 weeks
Welcome to your third trimester! At 28 weeks, your baby is about 37.6 cm long and weighs around 1kg. Learn about your baby’s development, tips for managing reduced energy levels, and the importance of regular check-ups as you prepare for the final stretch of your pregnancy.
Your pregnancy at 27 weeks
Can you believe this is the last week of your second trimester? At 27 weeks, your baby can now breathe on their own—a huge milestone! Learn about your baby’s development and how to manage common symptoms as you enter the final stage of your pregnancy.
Your pregnancy at 26 weeks
At 26 weeks, your baby's eyes will open for the first time, though their permanent eye colour won't be known until weeks after birth. Learn about your baby’s growth and tips for managing the changes in your body as you approach the third trimester.
Your pregnancy at 25 weeks
Week 25 already! It's time to inform your employer about your pregnancy if you haven't yet. Your baby is getting more active and growing rapidly. Learn about your baby’s development, tips for managing back pain, and preparing your hospital bag.
Your pregnancy at 24 weeks
At 24 weeks, your baby has a fighting chance of survival if born prematurely. Learn about your baby’s growth and what essentials you’ll need post-birth. Get tips on managing leaking breasts and preparing for the months ahead.
Your pregnancy at 23 weeks
At 23 weeks, you’ll start feeling your baby’s kicks more regularly. Learn about your baby’s growth and development, and get tips on managing common pregnancy symptoms like haemorrhoids and sun sensitivity.
Your pregnancy at 22 weeks
Learn about your baby’s lung development and taste bud formation, and get tips on managing stretch marks and planning for your newborn’s sleeping arrangements.
Your pregnancy at 21 weeks
At 21 weeks, your baby now weighs more than your placenta and is moving around regularly. Learn about your baby’s development, how to manage increased clumsiness, and the importance of healthy snacks and pelvic floor exercises.
Your pregnancy at 20 weeks
Congratulations! You’re halfway through your pregnancy with only 20 weeks to go. At 20 weeks, your baby is covered in a protective substance called vernix and has grown significantly. Learn about the exciting developments and what to expect this week.
Your pregnancy at 19 weeks
You're almost at the halfway mark! At 19 weeks, your baby is putting on weight and starting to grow adult teeth. Learn about your baby's development and get tips on managing sleep issues and boosting your energy levels.