Tips & Advice
Your pregnancy at 18 weeks
From 18-20 weeks, you’ll be offered your anomaly scan to check your baby’s growth in detail. At 18 weeks, your baby is the size of a sweet potato and developing visibly. Learn about the exciting developments and what to expect during this stage of your pregnancy.
Your pregnancy at 17 weeks
At 17 weeks, your baby is starting to feel more real as their movements become noticeable. Learn about the exciting developments happening this week, from unique fingerprints to growing nails, and get tips on managing your changing body and skin.
Your pregnancy at 16 weeks
You should be seeing your midwife again this week, and if you’re lucky, you will get to hear your baby’s heartbeat, which is usually between 120–160 bpm. Some people say if your baby’s heartbeat is over 140 bpm then it’s a girl, but unfortunately, this is just a myth.
Your pregnancy at 15 weeks
At 15 weeks, your baby can start to hear your voice and sense bright light. Learn about your baby’s incredible development and how to manage common pregnancy symptoms like ligament pain and itchy skin during this exciting stage.
Your pregnancy at 14 weeks
At 14 weeks, your baby is now the size of a large apple and growing rapidly. Learn about the importance of pelvic floor exercises, planning a babymoon, and managing leg cramps as you enjoy the 'honeymoon' period of pregnancy.
Your pregnancy at 13 weeks
Congratulations, Mum! You’ve entered the second trimester. At 13 weeks, your baby is growing rapidly and testing out their new movements. Discover what to expect this week and enjoy this exciting phase of your pregnancy.
Your pregnancy at 12 weeks
Can you believe it, Mum? At 12 weeks, your baby is fully formed! All organs, muscles, limbs, and bones are in place. Learn about the exciting developments this week and what to expect as you approach the second trimester.
Your pregnancy at 11 weeks
The end of the first trimester is in sight! At 11 weeks, your baby is growing rapidly and starting to develop more human features. Learn about the amazing changes happening inside you and how to manage some common pregnancy symptoms.
Your pregnancy at 10 weeks
It’s booking appointment week! At 10 weeks, you’ll meet your midwife for the first time and see exciting developments in your baby’s growth. Learn about what to expect during your booking appointment and the changes happening with your baby and your body.
Your pregnancy at 9 weeks
Notice any changes in your breasts? This is nature's way of preparing for breastfeeding. If you haven’t been naturally blessed with large bosoms, you may be enjoying this side effect of pregnancy. Let's take a look at the incredible developments happening with your baby and the changes you may be experiencing.
Your pregnancy at 8 weeks
Congratulations, Mum! You’ve reached the 2-month mark with just 7 more to go. At 8 weeks, your baby is now a fetus, growing rapidly inside. Learn about the amazing developments happening and what to expect in the coming weeks.
Your pregnancy at 7 weeks
At 7 weeks, your baby is developing rapidly and now resembles a blueberry in size. Learn about your baby's amazing growth and why you might be spending more time in the bathroom. Discover the changes happening in your body during this exciting week.